Friday, December 18, 2009

Grandma Knows When to Hold 'Em

As for the Mama's. . . Well, I've been thinking about the Grandmas as of late. The time they have given, the advice they have given and the advice that they haven't - and let me learn on my own. I think it's fair to say that Sam and Olivia's Grandmoms are the top of the tops. I couldn't do what I'm doing without them. Their help, have been our big, big blessing, and my savior. There aren't enough thank yous to go around.

Need it be said that our wee beasties have the MOST smiles when the grands are around?! Of course not, I know how they feel. You do too, I think.

I love my Daddy

The fact of the matter just can't plan on having the best dad. It just happens. Thanks Dad.

It's nice to know that Sam and Olivia will be able to blog about the same thing when they're a little older...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Months Old Today!!

Sam and Grampa

The boy and his dog

The girl and her cow

She REALLY loves that cow

Me and the wee three

Well, it looks like we made it another month. Today Sam and Olivia are three months old. It was a good day. Not miraculous, as some have told me today would be, but a good day none the less. Actually, now that I think about it Olivia did a fair bit more smiling than usual. It's 8:30 pm and the kids are upstairs with Dad and the house is nearing evenings end. Seems like a good time to celebrate with a glass of Aunt Maddy's scotch and then a good nights sleep. And to all a good night...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanks and Giving

Hello all! It's been awhile since the last post and the post before that ...alas, blogging at a clip is a bit more difficult with two wee bits to deal with. HOWEVER, we do have thanksgiving photos for your viewing enjoyment and we do hope that you will enjoy!

For Turkey Day we went to Grandmom Sherry and Grandpop Joe's house and we had a wonderful time. The babes were peaceful and happy with their grandparents and we were grateful and thankful for more arms to hold the doodles and lovely food to eat besides. As you may have noticed, the picture up top of the Sam and Olivia, in suits sweetly given by a neighbor, clearly illustrate that apparently these kids are NOT happy with their parents for making them take the picture. Oh well...something that they will have to get use to I guess!

In other news this week the beasties have learned to coo (awww), hold rattles (ahhhh), and sleep more restfully (sigh) than they have (thank you pharmaceutical company that makes priolesec). Also of note, Olivia darling has learned to laugh out loud. This eases the pain for parents of two colicky babes considerably. Let's hope it's a sign of things to come and be...well, thankful.

Lots and lots of love to all, Susan and the gang.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Love. That's all.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Many Faces of Sam and his Awesome PJ's

He looks like a sort of fortune teller I guess. I wonder if he's picturing the binky in his ear...

I like to call this one "School Picture"

Too cute to be Jack Dempsey. Too big to be Sylvester Stallone. But, you know, a boxer.

and my favorite: "Kung Foo Fighter"

I fell in love with a pair of the boys PJ's. And now, Sam has grown out of them and I'm so sad to see them go. What can I say - I'm losing it a bit. Anyway, in effort to preserve the PJ's for posterity I did a little photo shot with Sam yesterday. Of course, he stole the show with his fantastic face. So today I present the many faces of Sam and his PJ's for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

A post from Dad

Our first day of office work and baby work. Susan is home today taking care of the bambinos while I have my first day taking care of business at the office. Good luck sweetheart.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Morning, Maybe We're Getting the Hang of This Thing...

Finally, a morning that feels sane. Pictures of Sam and Liv above as they snuggle in their boppy pillow and listen to their morning Neruda reading (please, no comments about how I should only be reading Hop Goes Pop and the like, I'm pretty sure that I should be enjoying story time too!). Besides, the pictures below of the three of us is a sing a-long of the "Rag Time Cowboy" song. Funny, it even looks like Sam is singing along!

Most significant about this morning - Josh was making pancakes while this was going on and I am actually wearing non-maternity pants AND make-up. It was a moment to savor!

Aunties and Uncles Come A Callin' - the SAM addition!

Pictures: Uncle Pete and Sam, Aunt Prema and Sam, Uncle Wayne and Sam, and finally, Uncle Wayne and Sam!!

More Folks We Couldn't Have Lived Without

It goes without saying that Josh and I wouldn't have made it through the past two weeks of having Sam and Liv home without the help of a few folks who came to say throughout the week to assist with the house, the babes and feeding two bleary eyed looney's - aka the new Mom and Dad. Josh's Mom Sherry was with us the first week and we were all so busy and nuts we didn't even get a picture! Eeek - Sorry Grandma Sherry - this will SOON be amended.

Aunt Maddy and Aunt Michelle - had the particular pleasure of coming during the babies and new parents first bout with illness. Everyone is fine now - but we were so, so lucky to have them with us. It was a bit shaky there for a while. : )

Pictures: Aunt Maddy and Liv, Aunt Michelle and Liv, Aunt Michelle and Sam.

More Sisterly Assistance - the Aunt Julie Addition

Another long weekend of help was provided by my sister Julie, whose assistance included the recommendation of 1. Mylicon - miracle baby gas solution and 2. Box wine. Both were much appreciated by Josh and I and will be added to our "things that make this deal a bit easier" list!

Julie's daughter Shannon - the third Breen - wasn't able to make the trip but the three Breen's will unite at Christmas and pictures will definitely follow.

Pictures (top to bottom): Julie and Olivia and Julie and Olivia (it looks as if the sisters are only with Livi - but be assured Sam makes his time with the ladies - there's just only so many moments for Mom and Dad to snap pictures! We'll make sure Sam gets some equal face time in the next couple posts!).

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Aunt Katie and Cousin Maggie

We were so lucky to have Aunt Katie and Maggie come for a long weekend to welcome us home, help with the babies and give us a bit of some much needed sleep. THANK YOU KATIE!

Pictures: Maggie Breen meets her cousin Olivia Breen, and Livi with Aunt Katie.

Double Trouble

Coming Home

The four of us heading home from the hospital on a beautiful fall day. Grandma and Grandpa De Seyn were there to welcome us home - also waiting was our fearless leader, Elliot. He seems to be hesitantly approving of the new additions. He's a great dog and we have no doubt that he's going to be loving the little guys in no time.

Pictures (top to bottom): Dad the driver, Mom and the twins waiting for their pick-up, Grandpa De Seyn and Olivia, Grandma De Seyn and Sam, Sam and Olivia, Sam and Olivia, Sam, Olivia and Elliot.