Friday, December 18, 2009

Grandma Knows When to Hold 'Em

As for the Mama's. . . Well, I've been thinking about the Grandmas as of late. The time they have given, the advice they have given and the advice that they haven't - and let me learn on my own. I think it's fair to say that Sam and Olivia's Grandmoms are the top of the tops. I couldn't do what I'm doing without them. Their help, have been our big, big blessing, and my savior. There aren't enough thank yous to go around.

Need it be said that our wee beasties have the MOST smiles when the grands are around?! Of course not, I know how they feel. You do too, I think.

I love my Daddy

The fact of the matter just can't plan on having the best dad. It just happens. Thanks Dad.

It's nice to know that Sam and Olivia will be able to blog about the same thing when they're a little older...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three Months Old Today!!

Sam and Grampa

The boy and his dog

The girl and her cow

She REALLY loves that cow

Me and the wee three

Well, it looks like we made it another month. Today Sam and Olivia are three months old. It was a good day. Not miraculous, as some have told me today would be, but a good day none the less. Actually, now that I think about it Olivia did a fair bit more smiling than usual. It's 8:30 pm and the kids are upstairs with Dad and the house is nearing evenings end. Seems like a good time to celebrate with a glass of Aunt Maddy's scotch and then a good nights sleep. And to all a good night...