Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fancy Nancy Party: An afternoon in pictures

So we went to a Fancy Nancy RUNWAY party at the library with Maggie and co. It was fabulous. That's a fancy way of saying fun.

Here is Maggie all dressed up before we went to the runway party.

Here she is walking the runway.

Here are all the Fancy Nancy's listening to a Fancy Nancy story.

Here is Olivia (in her fancy outfit) with her friend Marsha, the Fancy Nancy Runway director.

A super fancy pose from Maggie just before the ladies went on a parade through town. That's what I said a FANCY PARADE. How cute is that???

Gradma with Fancy Liv.

Austin had no interest in being fancy but there were cookies and chicks. What are you going to do?

Sam didn't even get a cookie. He tried to break out.

Liv was a bit more into it. She is, for sure, a fancy babe.

And the story ends with the fancy Durand family. Obviously Austin has spotted something fancy up in the tree...

The end.

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